EPE'23 ECCE Europe in Aalborg, Denmark
The conference will take place at the AKKC – The Aalborg Congress and Culture Center.
Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center
Europa Plads 4
9000 Aalborg, Denmark
The conference venue is at walking distance from the main railway station and the city center of Aalborg and at about a 20-minute drive from Aalborg airport.
The conference venue offers facilities and services of international quality meeting standards. Hi-speed Wi-Fi access will be freely available for attendees, everywhere in the congress center.

The Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center is one of Scandinavia’s biggest and most flexible congress and culture centres, with years of experience in creating the perfect settings for major meetings, conferences and congresses attended by up to 2,414 participants.
In addition to the two large halls, Aalborghallen and Europahallen, on the first floor of Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center you’ll find meeting rooms of various sizes – all light, attractive and spacious and of course all equipped with modern AV equipment. All rooms have access to a common foyer, in which refreshments are served during the conference and where there’s a chance to stretch your legs and talk to other participants.
With an exhibition area of more than 7,000 square metres and a location in the heart of Aalborg, Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center is ideal for every type of fair and exhibition, ranging from small product presentations to major consumer fairs.
Public transportation in Aalborg is excellent. Aalborg’s main train and bus station are located right next to the AKKC. Outside, there is a car park for 700 vehicles.
The AKKC is proud to be the only event venue in Denmark certified in accordance with both DNV GL’s ‘Sustainable Development Goals Certification’ and the international ISO 20121 standard for sustainable events. By obtaining these, the AKKC has committed itself to improve the sustainable handling of events and the sustainable management-system in the organization. Thus, the AKKC has created a hard-working department dedicated to the sustainable transformation.