Medium-voltage power electronics: a solution to electrify the world

Mini-workshop in the frame of EPE'23 ECCE Europe


Prof. Stig Munk Nielsen, Aalborg University

Date & Time:

September 6th, 9.30 am – 12.00 am


Room 1.07 Fjorden


This mini-workshop is open to ALL EPE’23 ECCE Europe-delegates who are interested in MV power electronics


09:35 – 09:55

Opening speech and MV power electronic activities at AAU Energy
Prof. Stig Munk-Nielsen, AAU Energy, Aalborg University

09:55 – 10:25

MV power electronic activities at CPES
Prof. Rolando Burgos, CPES, Virginia Tech

10:25 – 10:55

MHz pulse-transformer based gate driver for MV SiC device
Prof. Hui ‘Helen’ Li, CAPS, Florida State University

10:55 – 11:25

Soft-switching converters at MV-level
Prof. Teng Long, Cambridge University

11:25 – 11:55

High Power Medium Voltage Research at EPFL
Prof. Drazen Dujic, EPFL

11:45 – 12:00

Prof. Stig Munk-Nielsen

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