PELS Mentorship Event: Søgaard Bryghus
We look forward to a typical evening event with food and drinks at “Søgaard Bryghus” in Aalborg city center. A small contribution towards expenses is necessary for participation, but definitely worth it!
What’s the deal?: Burger & Drink (20,00 Euro).
When?: Thursday 7 September 2023, 19:00 – c.a. 21:00
Where?: C. W. Obels Plads 1A, 9000 Aalborg
The event is limited to 100 EPE’23 ECCE Europe-participants.
The Registration for the Mentorship Event will include the possibility to attend IEEE PELS Mentorship Roundtables.
The first confirmed mentors are:
- Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, “Creating a strong and inclusive research environment over three decades”
- Jian Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, “Why do we publish”
- Hui Li, Florida State University, “Embracing failures and lessons learned in Academia”
- Xiongfei Wang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, “Developing industry-driven basic research”
- Dushan Boroyevich, Virginia Tech, “Organizing university research in U.S.A. vs. Europe”
- Francesco Iannuzzo, Aalborg University, “Thinking outside the box in research”
- More will come later…
This event is sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society Mentorship Round Tables Series.

The registration for the Mentorship Roundtables can be done while you register for the EPE’23 ECCE Europe conference or, if you’re already registered, from your profile under “additional orders”:
We look forward to a memorable evening at the Brewery!