Special Session: Reliability and Lifetime prediction of WBG power electronics in automotive applications
Organized by AVL List GmbH, Infineon AG, VUB
Session Organizers:
Christoph Abart, AVL List GmbH
Omar Hegazy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Klaus Pressel, IFAG
Session Format:
Keynotes (2), Informal Talks (5)
Date & Time:
Thursday 7 September, 14:10 – 15:10 & 15:30 – 16:30
Room 1.01 Banen
Session speakers / Panellists:
Alireza Aghdaei, RWTH Aachen
Sachin Kumar Bhoi, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Farzad Hosseinabadi, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Juraj Marek, STUBA
Gamze Egin Martin, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Klaus Pressel, Infineon AG
Wolfgang Wondrak, Mercedes Benz AG
Reliability and lifetime are key parameters for power electronics in all kinds of applications, but especially in the automotive domain. Therefore, the project HiEFFICIENT was started to investigate these parameters with different approaches likes physics of failures as well as with data driven methods. This shall enable predictive health management on component and sub-system level. Additionally, the project iREL4.0 approaches the topic one level deeper by enabling zero failure electronic components and systems manufacturing. This session will discuss the issue of power electronics reliability along the whole value chain – from chip to system.
Session Outline:
Part I:
Keynote 1 – Reliability and Lifetime Requirements for automotive applications, Wolfgang Wondrak (20 mins)
Keynote 2 – Intelligent Reliability – Innovative Approaches to Improve Reliability in Power Electronic Devices, Klaus Pressel (20 mins)
Talk 1 – A Data-Driven Thermal Digital Twin of a 3-Phase Inverter using Hi-Fidelity Multi-Physics Modelling, Sachin Kumar Bhoi (15 mins)
Part II:
Talk 2 – Active Thermal Control of a DC-DC Converter Using Dynamic Gate-drive for Reliability Improvement, Farzad Hosseinabadi (15 mins)
Talk 3 – Optimization of Temperature Sensor Placement in Multi-Chip Power Modules Using Frequency Domain Analysis, A. Aghdaei (15 mins)
Talk 4 – SiC Power TrenchMOS Transistor under harsh repetitive switching conditions, J. Marek (15 mins)
Talk 5 – Comparative Thermal Analysis of Cooling Methods for Dual Inverter Applications in Electric Vehicles, Gamze Egin Martin (15 mins)
Organizer's Biographies

Christoph Abart, received a PhD from Graz University of Technology in 2009. He is currently with AVL List GmbH, working as a Senior Project Manager for Research Projects in the business unit of Instrumentation and Test Systems. In his role as project manager he is responsible for several power electronics projects in the automotive testing domain, exemplarily leading as a coordinator the HiEFFICIENT project, funded by the KDT JU.

Omar Hegazy obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology (ETEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. Prof. Hegazy is a professor and head of EPOWERS- Efficient Power Electronics, Powertrain and Energy Solutions Research Group at ETEC Dept., and at MOBI Research Centre, where he coordinates the research activities in this field in several national projects and in European projects. Prof. Hegazy is also the manager of MOBI Core-Lab at Flanders Make organization. He is the author of more than 227 scientific publications and two patent applications. His fields of interest include power electronics, electrical machines, electric and (plug-in) hybrid electric vehicles, Digital Twin (DT), charging infrastructure, power/energy management strategies, FC (Hydrogen) powertrains, battery management systems (BMS), V2X systems, optimization techniques and Smart DC grid with renewable energy.

Dr. Klaus Pressel studied Physics at the University of Würzburg and with a scholarship of the German DAAD at S.U.N.Y. Albany (New York, U.S.A.). Klaus received his PhD in Physics from the University of Stuttgart on research of defects in III/V semiconductors. He then joined IHP Frankfurt (Oder), where he focused on Si and SiGe design and technology. In 2001 Klaus joined Infineon Technologies at Regensburg, where he is focusing on innovations in assembly and packaging technology. His special interests are System-in-Package solutions, high frequency applications, chip-package-board/system co-design, as well as understanding reliability and quality. Klaus has been project leader of many European funded projects. Klaus is representing Infineon in various international technical committees, e.g. SEMI Advanced Packaging Conference, ESTC, the Eureka EURIPIDES and XECS programs, IEEE Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap. Klaus is author/co-author of more than 200 publications in semiconductor physics and technology, circuit design, assembly and interconnect technology and owns/co-owns more than 20 patents.

Wolfgang Wondrak is group leader of “inverter advanced engineering” at Mercedes-Benz AG. He holds a Ph.D. in physics and worked on power semiconductor device technology and on SiC (silicon carbide) devices for high-temperature applications. After some years on reliability aspects of semiconductor devices and passive components his current interest concerns power electronics for future electric drivetrains.
Speaker's/Panellist's Biographies

Alireza Aghdaei received his M.Sc degree in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University in 2021. Since then, he has been working as a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Power Electronic and Electrical Drives (ISEA). He currently works as a Research Assistant and is a Reliable Power Electronic group member at this institute. His research interests include condition monitoring, thermal control, reliability, and design optimization in power electronics.

Gamze Egin Martin is a PhD researcher and works at EPOWERS Research Group of MOBI Research Centre at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. Her research interests lie in the domain of thermal management for power electronics systems in automotive applications.

Sachin Kumar Bhoi is a PhD researcher and works at EPOWERS Research Group of MOBI Research Center at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. His main research interest is developing digital twin technologies for power electronics systems.

Farzad Hosseinabadi is a PhD researcher and works at EPOWERS Research Group of MOBI Research Centre at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. His research interests lie in the field of accelerated lifetime tests and condition monitoring of power electronics components.

Dr. Juraj Marek is an Assoc. Prof. at Institute of Electronics and Photonics of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, where he also received his Ph. D. in 2011. His main areas of expertise are oriented to diagnostics and characterization methods of power devices supported by 2D/3D electro-thermal device modeling and simulation. The results of his scientific work were published in several papers in peer-reviewed journals and in numerous international conference proceedings. In 2018 he received the scientific title IIa awarded by the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the GaN Marathon Conference organized by the prestigious University of Padua and Publications Chair of ICSCRM 2022.